Thursday 8 May 2008

Latte Art: Etchings in Gold and Brown

This was done by the Boncafe barista at the recently held Food and Hotel Asia 2008 in Singapore. Gorgeous isn't it? I particularly love the gold striations. The barista was actually showing how it was done and allowing audience participation. The Coffee Concierge was a little too shy to try in so public an arena but has resolved to practice quietly at home. Given that one's coffee machine ain't even in place yet, that could take a while.


Katong Gal said...

what was used to get the colours?

Mandy said...

Good question. It's usually done with either chocolate or syrups. I don't know what was used in this particular case though as unlike you I didn't have the presence of mind to ask the barista :)...too busy oohing and ah-ing.

Anonymous said...

usually its done with caramel and chocolate sauce .. with a good steamed milk and pouring methods ..

takes practice to able to do it :)

Highland Coffee Roastery said...

This particular methiod doesn't require any real barista latte art skills - it's a very simple alternate lines of colour, pulled across from alternating ends with a pointed object, like a milk thermometer or kebab skewer. These strokes create the 'points' in the design.